CR_FlagUSA_Flag Kojákovice Peasant & Emigration Museum

When you come to the Czech Republic,
we are worth a visit


Kojakovice Museum
The Kojákovice Peasant and Emigration Museum
Kojakovice, South Bohemia, Czech Republic


"Some of the stories we tell you should sound familiar;
it could have easily concerned your ancestors".

The Kojákovice Peasant and Emigration Museum tells about how people lived and worked in the rural South Bohemia of a century and more ago. It also explains reasons for emigration to the USA and Canada, and the fate of the Czech emigrants on the great plains of the Midwest. All the displays are based upon the history and stories of persons from Kojákovice and its surroundings. The stories of the settlers were mostly told through letters of the settlers themselves and stories of their descendants.

Where is the Kojákovice Museum:

Clicking here will show you a photo map of the exact location (at the blue # 2) in a new window.

Zooming out gives you a satellite impression of the region. In the top left corner of the map you can switch between views including a historic map of the region. Clicking on the word zakladni brings you back to the standard road map.


Opening times of the Museum:

1 July - August 2008: daily from 10 - 17, Thursday closed
September 2008: Saturday and Sunday from 10 - 17
Outside-hours access or groups please call +420 724 132 180 (English speaking)


Website of the Kojákovice Museum


Design by the Bear (Robert Dulfer 2006-2016)